Ayurveda Medicines for Diabetes Type 2

What is Diabetes Type 2?

Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes and is a chronic condition. It is a condition in which a person loses the ability to control the blood glucose level. The cells of the body cannot use blood sugar efficiently to produce energy. unlike type 1 diabetes, type 2 has a pancreas to produce insulin, but the cells cannot use it efficiently. The etiological causes behind the type 2 diabetes are:

  • Lack of exercise

  • Stress and anxiety

  • Unhealthy lifestyle

  • Use of artificial sweeteners such as sodas, chocolates, and other sweet foods

  • Obesity

  • Genetics

How can Ayurveda Cure Diabetes type 2?

Diabetes is referred to as madhumeh in Ayurveda, as a part of its treatment, suggests avoiding excess sugar and simple carbohydrates intake. The treatment in Ayurveda is individualized on the basis of three doshas of Ayurveda which are Vata, Kapha, and Pitta. Diabetes is a disorder that includes metabolic Kapha which involves the impaired functioning of Agni (digestive fire) and contributes towards the high blood sugar. It is recommended that one should avoid sweets, seafood, dairy products, carbohydrates, and red meat. All these food items aggravate the Kapha energy which increases the glucose level in blood. Exercises, herbal supplementation, and meditation are also recommended to reprimand the effect of Kapha energy.

Recommended Combination by VAN for Diabetes Type 2 patients (100% No Side Effects)

Option 1

Vasantakusumakara Tablets: A sovereign remedy in Ayurveda for successful treatment of over urination and diabetes. It gives health to diabetic patients in all stages of all natures.
Dosage: One tablet twice a day after food.

VK4 Diacon: Controls Blood Sugar, Enhances memory, Revitalizes major organs(Liver, Kidney, heart, etc), Relieves feet numbness.
Dosage: One tablet a day at bedtime.

Kaisora Guggulu: Useful in Diabetes Type - 2.
Dosage: One tablet twice a day after food.

Option 2 (those unable to afford Option 1 expenses)

VK4 Diacon: Acts on weakness caused by diabetes. Helps to control excess blood sugar.
Dosage: 3 times a day with water at your convenience.

Kaisora Guggul: Useful in Diabetes Type-2
Dosage: One tablet twice a day after food.

If Erectile dysfunction occurs in diabetic patients with bad habits, it is advised to give up those habits or contact us for doctor suggestions for further assistance.

All diabetic patients are advised to make use of our supplements in addition to the allopathy regimen, this is not a substitute for the allopathy regimen.

Click Here for Diabetes & Blood Pressure

VK4 Diacon: Controls Blood Sugar, Enhances memory, Revitalizes major organs(Liver, Kidney, heart, etc), Relieves feet numbness.
Dosage: One tablet twice a day at your convenience.

Sarpagandha (tablets): Controls blood pressure (NOTE - Do not discontinue your allopathy medication, even though you use Sarpagandha tablets)
Dosage: One tablet after breakfast.

VAN Triphala: Removes constipation. Useful as an adjunct also.
Dosage: Two tablets at bedtime.

Click Here for Remedy for Diabetes & Bone Health

VK4 Diacon: Controls Blood Sugar, Enhances memory, Revitalizes major organs(Liver, Kidney, heart, etc), Relieves feet numbness.
Dosage: One tablet twice a day at your convenience.

Pravalapanchamruta Bhasma: Strengthens the bones. Also very effective on arthritis pains. A nervine tonic.
Dosage: One tablet twice a day after food.